New study finds federal sex offender law not effective

According to a report released last week by the U.S. Department of Justice, the federal tier-based sex offender registration and management system put in place in 2006 does not predict risk of recidivism by sex offenders and its authors point to the need for a system based on more empirical data.

Title 1 of the Adam Walsh Act (called SORNA – Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act), passed by Congress in 2006, sought to improve and standardize sex offender registration and management procedures by requiring all states to implement the same three-tier classification system according to the offense of conviction—Tier 1 being the least serious and Tier 3 being the most serious. The system assumed that the more serious the offense the higher the risk of a repeated crime by the offender. Full Article

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…yes but these laws ARE WORKING at keeping individuals from becoming productive members of society, banning registrants from public places and destroying families while politicians scream for harsher rules..and gain more votes.

If the data continues to suggest the higher level tier does not equate to higher level risk, will they eventually concede the only reason they would want to keep it is for punitive reasons?

I still believe there will be a case made that publishing a list of those who can not by law defend themselves is against our constitution. The Walsh Law in general with the a plus b approach to everything can not work. I think they know that, but once again it is the fear and the votes.

There is nothing “scientific” about how people are classified into a tier. Classification is mostly subjective and done by prejudiced unqualified people. They think they are doing a good job if they can put most parolees in the highest possible tier. After all it’s job security. Because the tier system itself is broken, of course it can’t predict behavior. Most offenders who can, clean their sentence and go on their way free of supervision. Those who can’t must endure the Tier System and the SA Registry that accomplishes nothing while protecting no one, especially not the children. But it pays the salaries of a lot of people in the criminal “justice” system.

If a business, which the justice punishment and revenge system is, were to discover that a program they put into place was not effective, that business would be wise to do away with the ineffective program. Either the goal of the current offender system is effective (intended to get votes, employ a lot of people, make a profit) or the people in charge of the laws don’t care if it is effective. Either way, the electorate needs to do something about the terrible waste of money.

These SO laws are a ‘feel-good’ response by the various legislatures to address a human tragedy.
Nobody (except the way-far fringe) sees the exploitation of infantile sexuality as a socially acceptable behavior, but the line drawn in definition and rabid response dynamic have become equally unacceptable. We registrants feel violated by the State demonstrating its toughness on crime and, lo, the people feel safer, think safer and live safer.
Then comes to light another violated child and next week the law is amended to increase controls on the existing registrants whether or not the perpetrator is ever apprehended, let alone brought to justice. Upgrading sex-offender laws has become a national pass-time for legislatures, city councils, municipal-court magistrates and individual police officers. Damn the written law! Let vigilante justice prevail! they’re S*E*X O*F*F*E*N*D*E*R*S and we H*A*T*E them (don’t we?)..

It’s not going to ever change. There’s too much money and politic at work and it doesn’t matter what the Constitution says because you can prove anything under the Constitution. What matters is that you aren’t allowed to be legally correct or deserving of emancipation; you are a Sex Offender, the lowest form of life on the Planet and it matters not what your freedoms and rights represent. You don’t qualify as a human being. You are pond-scum and always will be. Jump off the bridge and save the State the money it would cost to bury your degenerate carcass if you just shot yourself. That way the people feel safer, live safer and are free to breed in a wholly-protected environment containing one less dreaded sex offender.

Now you know what’s expected of you so why are you still in the room?

This national rampage is a deliberate assault on the antiquated idea that the law protects those who comply with the law. Once you are a Registered Anything, you become a target. But getting on the registry of undesirables makes you a larger target than, say, a Registered Democrat. Those former undesirables amongst us managed to obtain emancipation through the concept of human and civil rights, but such terms do not apply to Sex Offenders.

Get used to it. Get over it. Leave the Country or be prepared for much worse to come.

Happy New Year….

NOT…effective ….imagine that…???…..the outstanding people
NOT getting another “sex” crime case could have told you that…
that’s right they already have told you…….you’re wasting taxpayers
money on this tier stuff…it doesn’t work….and for sure doesn’t
work for the Constitution.